Cambridge Primary and Cambridge Secondary are internationally recognised programmes for schoolchildren learning the core subjects of English, maths and science. Discover the benefits of these programmes and how they can help kids to flourish at school.
Introducing Cambridge Primary and Cambridge Secondary
Cambridge Primary is a comprehensive programme of teaching, learning and assessment in English, maths and science for children aged five to 11 years.
Cambridge Secondary builds upon the learning in Cambridge Primary and develops children’s knowledge in these core subjects. The programme is aimed at children aged 11 to 14 years.
Programme aims
The aims of the Cambridge Primary and Secondary programmes are to:
- help schoolchildren to develop a range of knowledge and skills, providing a solid foundation upon which to build later stages of education
- deliver a progressive learning framework appropriate for students in the primary phase
- provide a learning structure that emphasises the development of skills as well as knowledge
- offer a flexible system of assessment that enables schools to gather the feedback they need to inform and improve teaching
- provide a positive educational experience for all students
- help teachers and parents to gain a greater understanding of their children’s abilities.
Resources to measure success
There are three main components in the Cambridge Primary and Secondary curriculum framework.